Choose Privacy Week

choose privacyChoose Privacy Week, May 1-7, 2014

As technology continues to advance at a record pace, privacy issues evolve with it. From aerial surveillance drones and  traffic light cameras, to wiretapping or website tracking, privacy is being attacked in public and sometimes in places that used to be private.
Learn more about digital privacy issues by watching videos featuring Michael German, the senior policy counsel for national security and privacy at the ACLU Washington legislative office and Geoffrey Stone, a constitutional lawyer at the American Library Association’s Choose Privacy website.

You can learn how to defend your own privacy with these books from the UDM Library:

  • Privacy: a very short introduction,  by Raymond Wacks, Oxford University Press, 2010  Wacks explores the gray areas between national security, personal privacy, and the public’s right to know by examining case studies and comparing privacy laws in different countries.  He presents the difficulties that constantly changing technology presents to lawmakers and to individuals.   


  • Imagining new legalities: privacy and its possibilities in the 21st century, edited by Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, and Martha Merrill Umphrey, Stanford University Press, 2012.   This book  discusses the changing boundaries between public and private lives and explores the issue of whether or not information that is voluntarily made public in one forum should be freely accessible to anyone who wants to use or circulate it for other purposes.

Jill Spreitzer, Librarian