Resuscitation! – Mobile App
Are you a healthcare provider? Do you want to practice providing simulated patient care in various health care settings? Do you want to kill a few minutes while waiting in line for something or another? Then download Resuscitation! to your mobile device. A free version of Resuscitation! is available for both Apple and Android devices through the iTunes store and Google Play. Additional patient cases are available for purchase.
Resuscitation! is geared towards students who have medical or nursing training, so the app may be too advanced for those without clinical experience.
Users can choose cases from a list that has been grouped by modules, topic or rank, or they can elect to receive a random case. For my first case, I choose a case by rank: a 55yr old man with chest pain. I could then read his history, check out his detailed physical exam, develop his differential diagnosis, and proceed to determine his course of treatment. Treatments include such actions as placing the patient on a monitor to determine his vital signs and heart rhythm; starting IV’s; “ordering” tests; performing procedures; administering medications; and initiating communication to outside entities, if needed.
Full disclosure: the free cases are limited in number (as you might expect of something free); there are about 12.
This app is a lot of fun and has received high customer ratings on iTunes. A few Android users have reported some bugginess in the Android version.
Happy diagnosing!
Jill Turner, Librarian