Happy New Year and Welcome Back Students and Faculty

Students: Welcome to the 2015 Winter Semester!

Some interesting information about the Library:Library Front

Need Help?

Come in and see the Librarian at the Research Desk.  Or make an appointment for more in-depth assistance with a Librarian Consultant knowledgeable of your topic (See the Library directory for librarians names and subject areas: http://research.udmercy.edu/about/directory).

Off campus? Use the 24/7 Ask a Librarian chat box at http://research.udmercy.edu, or call us at 313-993-1071 (McNichols Campus Library) or 313-494-6900 (Dental Library).

Watching TVNeed relaxation?

The McNichols Campus Library has approximately:

  • 2300    Motion Picture DVDs and Videos
  • 141      TV Series and shows on DVDs
  • 300      Books on CD
  • 1000    Music CDs (Classical, Jazz, Pop, etc.)
  • 450      Kids Music CDs

General Information:

MOST books may be checked out for 28 days. Exceptions are reference books, books from the Michigan Core Collection, books on Reserve, etc. Renew your books for another 28 days using the 14 digit number on your UDM ID card — http://catalog.dalnet.lib.mi.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=udm&menu=account&submenu=itemsout

Printing paperFree Printing: 

The McNichols Campus Library provides 400 free prints in an academic year.

The Dental Library provides 500 free prints in an academic year.




The Libraries subscribe to approximately 200 databases with over 55,000 ejournals covering all UDM disciplines, as well as over 145,000 ebooks and growing.

Interlibrary Loan:

Still can’t find what you need?  Order books or articles through our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service — http://research.udmercy.edu/find/ill/

StudyingExtended Hours for Finals

For McNichols Campus Library: http://research.udmercy.edu/about/hours/mcn.php



RefWorks LogoRefWorks:

Later this semester, watch for “drop-in” classes at McNichols on using RefWorks, a research management software product that allows researchers to gather, manage, and store articles and papers as well as generate Reference or Work Cited pages.

SelfieEnjoy Taking Selfies?

Watch for Tommy Titan to hit the library.



By Sandra Wilson and Sue Homant

Librarian Consultants


Why Rudolph’s nose is red: observational study from the Netherlands



Researchers from the Netherlands and Norway published an observational study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) explaining the morphology behind Rudolph’s famous red nose. They hypothesized that the extreme redness was caused by “the presence of a highly dense and rich nasal microcirculation”. In other words, Rudolph’s nose has an abundant supply of red blood cells flowing through a vast number of tiny blood vessels. Results of the study show that the hypothesis was proven. After a careful comparison with five human subjects, the researchers determined that while similar, the vascular network in a reindeer’s nose is 25% denser than that in a human.

Also, perhaps even more interestingly, the tiny blood vessels in the reindeer’s nose do not contain red blood cells during diastole (the time between heart beats); with systole (heart beat), an excess of blood is forced through the vessels. The figure below shows the infrared image of a reindeer’s head after a treadmill test. Notice the presence of a red nose.

reindeer image

The reindeer nasal anatomy and physiology observed in this study testifies to the eminent suitability of Rudolph to lead Santa’s sleigh.

Article: Ince, C., van Kuijen, A. M., Milstein, D. M., Yuruk, K., Folkow, L. P., Fokkens, W. J., & Blix, A. S. (2012). Why rudolph’s nose is red: Observational study. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 345, e8311. doi:10.1136/bmj.e8311 [doi]


Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Jill Turner, Librarian Consultant



Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer: GuitarHero188Rock

Infrared image of reindeer: Blix, As. Arctic Animals. Tapir Academic Press, 2005.


Top 6 Study Tips for Final Exams

pressureThe pressure is on!  We’re in the midst of finals, when all your class readings, lecture notes, practice problems and studying will be distilled into a one to two-hour exam.  Test anxiety can significantly affect your performance on exams, so here are six study tips to help  you feel prepared and relaxed for your finals.desk

  1. Find an ideal study space:  You’ll want a space with all of the supplies you’ll need (you don’t want to spend time searching for index cards, a ruler, or whatever else you may need) and without distractions (your dorm room may not be the best choice if friends tend to drop in).

  3. Prioritize: Start with your most important tasks while you’re still fresh and can focus your attention.

  5. When reading, start at the end: Unless you’re reading a mystery or other fiction, start with the summary or conclusion and any study questions at the end of each chapter. This way you’ll know what important points you should focus on as you read.  You should also scan the chapter headings and bold-faced terms for the same reason.

  7. Think of possible exam questions: When you’re reviewing readings or lecture notes, try to formulate possible exam questions for each major point or idea.  This active engagement will help you remember the information when you’re asked a similar question during an exam.sleep

  9. Eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep: It may seem impossible when you have so much to do, but exercise helps reduce stress and depression, getting enough sleep will help you concentrate, and avoiding too much sugar or caffeine will help keep you from crashing after a brief burst of energy.

  11. Turn off your cell phone!  This may be the hardest but most important study habit, but it’s hard to study when no cell phonesyou’re texting.  If you’re using a computer, you may even want to turn off your wi-fi or internet connection so that you’re not tempted to watch the latest cat video.


Jill Spreitzer, Librarian Consultant

I’d Like You to Meet My Colleague…

emergingI’ll bet you think a library catalog is nothing but a list of selected materials available through the Library. Well, you’re kind of right. That’s the basic purpose of a library catalog. But there’s more to it than that.

You see, the library catalog is sort of like the LinkedIn for information. Each entry is for a specific book or journal or DVD or whatever else the library owns. You can glean more detail about it than you might ever need to know. But as LinkedIn provides links to other professionals in the field forming a network, so does the catalog by providing links to additional resources.

Let’s say that you are in the happy position of having a specific book to search for. (This is called “known item searching”, but let that pass for now.) You go to the Re:Search portal at http://research.udmercy.edu , click the Books/ebooks + DVDs tab, booksand key in the title Emerging Perspectives On Substance Misuse.

This takes you to a page that gives a  description and additional information about the book. Why that happens is something for another blog post (got to give you a teaser for next time). What matters to you right now is that the title of your “known item” appears at the top of the page. In this example, the book is an electronic book so there’s a  Blue Gobutton you can click to read the book online. That was easy.

But one resource does not a research paper make. For that, you will need to consult some of the book’s professional colleagues specializing in the same field. By this I mean books on the same subject. You don’t have to do another search or two.  Just look for the Subjects. In this case the subjects are:


These are more formally called Subject headings. Each links to a large number of books which relate to the same subject as your known item. This helps you find additional relevant information on your topic. Subject headings are particularly important because all books on the same subjects have the same subject headings. If, for instance, you were to search for “substance misuse”, which is not a listed subject, you would get only a fraction of the information available had you used the subject heading links such as Substance Abuse. That’s what library catalogs are about these days, providing instant links to related information. So now you know. And you’ve also learned what “known item searching” is. Impress your friends. They may even think you’re a librarian.


David Moody, Librarian

Finding MLA and APA Templates in MS Word

You’ve done all the research, you’ve read all the articles.  Now you can begin writing your paper.  But wait, first you must figure out how to format your paper in the MLA or APA style.  OWL at Purdue provides  guidelines but wouldn’t it be nice if there was a template where you could just type in your paper?

Well there is! And here’s how you do it:

First open MS Word and click NEW.

Word New

Type either MLA or APA and click the magnifying glass.  Then click the template needed:

Word Templates

For example, this template appears for APA:Word running head

Now, just start typing your paper using the guidelines provided by the template.  It’s as easy as that!

Sue Homant

Librarian Consultant

Finding Copyright Free Images

Creating a PowerPoint presentation for a classroom project?  Adding pictures can make a slide POP!  Because it can be so easy to find images on the internet, are you thinking of grabbing one and putting it onto a slide?  Be careful.  Most pictures or images are copyrighted.  There are several websites where the images may be freely copied without seeking permission to use. However, you should still cite the original creator according to the style preferred, such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.

Detroit Sculptures by LadyDragonflyCC ->;< is licensed under CC by 2.0

Detroit Sculptures by LadyDragonflyCC ->;< is licensed under CC by 2.0

Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online – all images are in the public domain

Creative Commons – nonprofit organization “that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.”

Flickr – offers images under Creative Commons or the images will be labeled “all rights reserved.” Make sure the images you select are licensed in CC.

Google Copyright Free Images — In Google, type the image you need, click Images, click Search Tools, click Usage rights.  Now click Labeled for noncommercial reuse with modification.

Internet Archive Book Images – Find copyright free images.  The images range from 1500 through 1922 and include journalistic photographs, charts, portraits, headlines, maps, decorative images, drawings and editorial cartoons.

Wikimedia Commons –It is a database of  freely usable media files to which anyone may contribute. Includes sounds and video.

Again, be sure to always cite images that someone else has created.

By Sue Homant, Librarian Consultant



Drop In On RefWorks

It’s grueling, tedious and time-consuming. I’m referring to typing research papers and getting the in-text citations right and then typing the bibliography at the end with all that confusing formatting. Well, not anymore. UDM Libraries has a tool that makes the formatting of your citations oh so easy and its called RefWorks. This week, Thursday, October 23, Librarian Sue Homant will be offering a drop-in workshop on RefWorks here in the library from 12:45-2:00. RefWorks can be a powerful tool when you are doing a research paper. Here is just a taste of what RefWorks can do.

Using Refworks begins with signing up for a new account. Go to the library portal page research.udmercy.edu. Click on the third tab, Articles, Journals + Databases. Under Find databases by title, you will see the alphabet listed. Select the letter R. RefWorks is second on the list. Click into it and click sign up.

As you do your research and find articles in the library databases, use the export feature found in most databases to load the citations into your RefWorks account. It is also possible to attach the articles to the citations in RefWorks When you have completed your research, make sure all the citations of the articles you will be using in your paper have been loaded into RefWorks. When you are ready to begin typing your paper, go into your RefWorks account, click on Tools tools and download Write-N-Cite 4.  Upon successful completion of the download, you should see this at the top of the screen in Microsoft Word. Write Cite






Click on RefWorks then click on Log In and enter your RefWorks account and password. You will also enter UDM’s Group Code, which can be obtained from the Research and Information Desk.

Once you have logged in, set your style choice (MLA, APA, etc.) style









While typing your paper, click on the Insert Citation icon insert  and select a citation each time you want to cite a source within the text of the paper . Continue typing and entering the citations as you go by clicking on the Insert Citation icon. RefWorks will put the citation in the text of the paper in the format style you selected.

When you have finished typing your paper and have entered all the citations within the body of the paper you will be ready for RefWorks to create your bibliography page. Place your cursor where you want the bibliography to begin. Click on Bibliography Options. Then click Insert Bibliography. bib opts Your bibliography will be created in the format style you selected. What would take you hours to do RefWorks does instantly!

Drop by Thursday and learn how to make citing fast and easy.

Julia Eisenstein, Librarian

The New York Times – Historical Edition

NYT - titanicExtra! Extra! Read All About It!  The New York Times is now available online!  Don’t miss out!

Need to write a speech on an event that happened on your birth date? Explore over 150 years of breaking news stories from the renowned New York Times.  Read about the sinking of the Titanic, where more than 1,500 people perished in the icy waters of the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912.

Or if sports is more your thing, read about the New York Yankees 5-3 win oNYT - World Seriesver the Brooklyn Dodgers in the first World Series game ever broadcast on television on September 30, 1947. This event was so ground breaking a judge stopped a trial for jurors to watch it on TV.

Whether you’re looking for a specific event or just want to browse, The New York Times: Historical Newspapers (ProQuest) has it all, from the very first issue printed in 1851 all the way to 2010.  Articles are in PDF so you can view them as they originally appeared.  Just select the link from the library’s database page and have fun exploring!

For more current articles, be sure to search The New York Times (Gale) from 1985-present.


Sandra Wilson – Librarian Consultant

Nursing Streaming Video Database – MedCom/Trainex

MedCom logo MedCom/Trainex is a resource for streaming videos for nursing. There are over 250 videos to choose from in a variety of subject areas: airway management, anatomy and physiology, gerontology, infection control, and much more.

This resource also contains “extra” content:

  • course overviews
  • post tests
  • learning activities
  • suggested readings

You must create an account and set up a password, then log in to your account whenever you want to watch a video.

MedCom log in page editted

Access to the MedCom/Trainex streaming video database can be found in the databases list under “N” (Nursing Videos) and from the UDM nursing library guide comprehensive database list. Videos can be streamed from off campus.

Jill Turner, Librarian


Banned Books Week: Sept. 21-27, 2014

banned comicsDid you know that Huckleberry Finn, Where the Wild Things Are, Captain Underpants and The Call of the Wild have all been banned or challenged at some point in schools and/or libraries?  It’s not an old or isolated problem, hundreds of books are challenged throughout the U.S. every year.  Every year, Banned Books Week celebrates the freedom of all Americans to read all types of materials, regardless of whether or not the materials include controversial or unpopular viewpoints or topics.

This year, Banned Books Week will focus on banned comics and graphic novels.  Comics and graphic novels are often targeted for removal from libraries because of the mistaken belief that all comics are for children or that they do not have serious literary or artistic value.  However, several graphic novels have won critical praise and won literary awards, and play an important role in libraries, helping develop literacy skills in ESL learners, reluctant readers, and those with learning disorders.  Read more about the history of comics banning as well as relevant case law at the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund website.

Jill Spreitzer, Librarian

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