One of the most often asked questions the librarians hear is, “Can you help me find this article”? The student has a citation and is seeking access to the complete article. The library has a tool labeled “Find online journals by title” that will allow the user to locate full-text journals in the UDM databases. Here is how it works.
Let’s say you have the following citation and you’re looking for the full-text of the article.
Ashkin, Evan, and Anne Mounsey. “A spoonful of honey helps a coughing child sleep.” Journal of Family Practice. 62.3 (2013): 145-147. Sep. 2013.
From the library homepage,, select the third tab, Articles, Journals + Databases.
About half way down the page you’ll see “Find online journals by title”. Enter the name of the journal in that search box. For this example, the name of the journal is Journal of Family Practice. Click on Search.
We can see that the Journal of Family Practice is in multiple databases from 1989 to the present. The next step is to select one of the databases.
Then, locate the year in which the article you are looking for was published, in this example, 2013.
Then locate the volume and the issue. In this example, volume 62, issue 3.
Click on that volume/issue then scroll down until you find the article. Click on the PDF link to open it up.
Julia Eisenstein, Librarian